Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Storify Final Paper Outline

Good Evening,

I have completed my first rough draft on storify.  It is missing pictures from my blog and Pinterest because I have not yet figured out how to open them up on Storify to add them.

Please let me know your thoughts.  Follow the link.


  1. Hi Andrea,

    Your Storify paper is looking pretty good, with your goals and objectives measurable, and reachable. It may be good to include more detail on how your tweets and pins will lead traffic to your blog. What tricks or tips did you utilize, such as key phrases, questions or topics that made the reader curious, etc.

    Also, you mention that you reached your goals via your stats. Was there an area where you think you could have improved, and attracted more readers, or was there specific reasons that you may have uncovered that led to some weeks having fewer comments than others, such as posting later in the week, or using a photo at the top of your blog post, etc.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Dawn, thank you for reading my new outline. I will definitely incorporate the answers to your questions into my final paper.

  2. Nashrid, thank you for helping me out with the screen shots and adding pictures. I'm going to find a screen shot app.

    Thank you for the detailed advice on how to improve the Analysis and Audience sections. I will work on incorporating your suggestions into the final project.

  3. Hi Andrea,

    Your outline is coming along well. I can tell you still have some work to put into your blog which is fine. Where you have "insert picture of blog post" think about why you want to just share an image of your blog, maybe insert a link to your blog post instead, and then an image you used in one of your blogs. Talk about why that image was effective.

    I like how your incorporated your personal career plans and goals and how this course will help you in the long term. I'd love to see some examples of social media accounts & ideas you have for your new company. Maybe create a mock Pinterest of ideas... just some food for thought. Good job so far!

    Nashrid- great tip on using the 'snipping' tool! I was having some issues myself adding photos of my blog statistics and will definitely look into using that tool. Glad I read this post!


    1. I used the snipping tool too! It was awesome. Nicole, if you are having trouble uploading your images, see my suggestion to Andrea below.

    2. Thanks Susan, I think I figured it out!

  4. Hi Andrea-
    Nice start! I just found the snipping tool that Nash was speaking of above. It is in the accessories section of my computer. I am not sure if it is available on MACs. Also, if you upload all of your images to Flickr, you can then click on the Flickr icon off to the right in Storify. If you click on the "user" tab and enter your username in the search bar, all of your images from Flickr should populate.

    I think it is important to understand the distinction between goals, objectives and strategies. Goals are broad, almost intangible. Objectives are specific and tangible. Strategies should define how you will achieve your objectives and goals.
    I think the more specific you can be describing the above, the better.
    Again, good job!

    1. Thanks Susan. I found an app that allows me to screen shot. I will work on the goals, objectives and strategies.

  5. Hi Andrea - I had commented on the blog entry you posted earlier this week, so it's great to see that your outline has really improved based on our classmates suggestions!

    I agree with all of the comments above - one thing that other students have mentioned to me, and I think would be helpful for you as well - is, when you're talking about the things you did to suppliment your blog post (drive traffice / engagement etc) - discuss 'why' you did those things.

    I know we were required to share on Twitter and Pinterest - but did you also use the class FB group and Google+? If you did - why did you do that? Did you design the content in your Tweets & Pins in a specific way? Did you have any overall strategy for how to drive additional views to your blog - from people outside of the class?

    I find that answering these questions - while it can be difficult - is very helpful in building a deep and comprehensive analysis section.

    Hope this helps as you're updating you Storify!

    1. Thanks Adrienne, good advice. I will be sure to incorporate why in my strategies.

  6. Andrea,
    Great start to your story. I like your outline and once you add the images to support, it will really make it pop. I like Nicole's idea of a mock PInterest account. In my story I added a tweet I sent out for a jewelry show I was having. (I am a Premier Designs Jeweler as well). I think these additions show how your incorporated lessons from the course into your personal life. I also feel by adding tid bits of personal information, really creates a connection with your audience, they are intrigued by you and want to find out more. Keeps them coming back.
    I look forward to reading your final copy.

    Thank you,

  7. Great thoughts, Joanna. The personal touch really does make it more interesting. After all, in the end, we are learning for eventual personal application purposes.
    Andrea, we will have the chance to update our Storify papers early next week. I look forward to seeing your revisions.

  8. Thanks Joanna and Susan. Having to do a rough draft definitely helped me out with this final paper. Everyone had such great advice.

  9. Andrea,

    I like that you used social media links in your analysis section. It was very easy to follow and the use of pictures made the section flow really well. You also showed that in one week your views were extremely high and the very next week they dropped. The week that you had a large amount of views do you feel that it was because of any supplemental posts you made on other social media?

    Great Post!
