Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Storify Final Paper Outline

Good Evening,

I have completed my first rough draft on storify.  It is missing pictures from my blog and Pinterest because I have not yet figured out how to open them up on Storify to add them.

Please let me know your thoughts.  Follow the link.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rough Draft of Final Paper

Hi Everybody,

This is my very rough rough draft for the final paper.  I am going to finish another outline I started on Storify and post it by Friday.

Let me know your thoughts and criticism.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

As a student in this Social Media Strategies class, I was required to create a blog and use Twitter and Pinterest to drive traffic to the blog.  The goal of the class was to become familiar with the use of different social media platforms and learning how to analyze the statistics of the blog.  This is the final paper show casing my journey of blogging.

- My name is Andrea Thomas and I am currently in graduate school for a Master's in Integrated Marketing at Marist College.  I have a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations from Howard University. 
- List what I enjoy doing
- My career goals
- Discuss why I chose the layout for my blog and how I picked topics

Plans and Policies
- List the goals I set out for the blog, twitter, and pinterest
- Discuss how I planned on achieving the goals
- *insert screen shot of my blog policy*
- Discuss my activities on Twitter
     - Post screenshots of some of my tweets
- Discuss my pinterest activities
      - Post screenshots of some of my pins
- Post shots of retweets

- Discuss total page views since the beginning of the blog
- Discuss the comments generated
- Identify and discuss which posts generated the most views

- Discuss if I achieved my goals
- Discuss what I feel like I could have done differently
- Discuss what I will do in the future