Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Playing It Safe With Social Media

Social media is definitely one of those things that have the good with the bad associated with it.  In a world where so much happens across social media, one must take extra precaution when it comes to what is said, how it is said and whom it is reaching.  

Before posting on these networks, people need to consider the concept of  social media (networking) security.  Social media networking security are a list of things we as social media users can use to help make sure we are as safe as possible online.  This is also practiced in the corporate world; it’s called social media policies.  This is a guideline set up by the employers for their employees to follow when it comes to using social networks in the work place.

There is tons of information about keeping safe on social media.  Here is an article from the Stay Safe Online Organization regarding social networks safety and here is another article about the top five social networking policy mistakes.  I even found a cartoon on YouTube titled Do you really have a private life online?

I have also created a basic list of a few social media networking securities we as avid social media users can follow.

Never upload anything you don’t want everyone to see - You may upload something only meant for your friends and family to see, but with the use of retweets, repins, reposts and likes, anyone and everyone might have the opportunity to see it.  This can be used both for network security and social media policies.

  • ·      Assume anything that you post will reach the majority of social network users at some point, whether it’s through hack, leak, or privacy policy change.
  • ·      Consider the Internet to be an archive, even if you delete a post or picture from your account, it’s still on the server of the social media platform and is probably searchable with a search engine.
  • ·      In a professional setting, be mindful of letting sensitive information slip that can harm the company or get you fired.
  • ·      If you don’t have anything nice to say to don’t say anything at all.  Stay away from things that you know are not true, and can be labeled as malicious, bullying and harassment.

Never use the same password for all your online activities - Each social media website requires the creation of a user name and password.

  • ·      Don’t use the same password for all the social media networks you use.
  • ·      Don’t use the same password for email and other online activities such as banking.
  • ·      If a social media site is hacked and your password (name and email address) becomes vulnerable, you don’t want the hackers to be able to access your other accounts such as your email.

Practice online safety - Everyone isn’t a friend; therefore, you should be extra careful about who you communicate with and what you communicate online.

  • ·      Learn about and use the privacy and security settings on social networks.
  • ·      Never post information that will leave you vurnable to certain situations.  For example, posting about you leaving your living space for an extended period of time.  You are sending an open invitation for someone to scope out what you left behind.
  • ·      Keep personal information personal.  Never give up too much information.  Try to keep it limited as possible.
  • ·      If a website doesn’t look secure, don’t use it.
  • ·      Be extra careful when purchasing online.  Make sure it has some type of safety and secured disclaimer.
  • ·      Know who your friends are.  If you don’t know the person, don’t add them as a friend.
  • ·      Keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.

I have read numerous articles about this topic today, many of these things I knew already and a few I learned today.  It only takes a few simple steps to keep you safe online.  Although, nothing is guaranteed 100%, doing these things can decrease the changes of issues arising.

At the end of the day, we have to take full responsibility regarding what we post online.  If you have to second-guess posting something, maybe it isn’t worth posting at all.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Should A Business Engage In Online Forums?

After reading chapter four, Social Media and Your Targeted Audience, in the book The New Rules of Marketing and PR by David M. Scott, there were many important tidbits that stood out to me.  One that stood out the most was the section about businesses participating in online forums.  According to Scott (2013), “Your best customers participate in online forums – so should you” (p. 64).

Online forums are a place where consumers gather to discuss an array of topics in the form of posted messages.  These discussions include topics about products and/or services of businesses.  The comments can range from complaints to positive feedback.  Previous consumers and potential consumers log onto these websites and create an environment that can hurt or improve the business.

"When an organization is the subject of heated discussions, particularly negative ones, it just feels weird if a representative of that organization doesn't jump in with a response.  If the company is dark, not saying a thing online, participants start wondering, 'What are they hiding?' Just having a presence on blogs, forums, and chat rooms that your customers frequent shows that you care about the people who spend money with your organization" (Scott, p. 64).

He suggest that a business does not wait until there is a crisis, but participate in online forums actively, (2013).  When I am interested in a new product, I usually go to amazon.com and read the customer reviews.  I regularly visit this site and I haven't seen any employees of a business comment on negative feedback and try to help out consumers resolve their situation.  Many even comment on how bad the customer service of a company actually is.  Another website I go to is, yelp.com.  I use this website to look for reviews of businesses that offer a service.  I have seen many companies actually respond to negative feedback on this site by at least offering an apology of some sort. 

 Having an online presence on these types of websites allows a business to intercept the negative feedback, thank the posters of the positive feedback, learn first hand how they can improve their products/services and create good customer relationships.  A good customer relationship can help build brand equity and loyal customers.

Do any of you engage in some sort of online forums to discuss products/services purchased or read about products/services before making a purchase?

Scott, D.(2013). The New Rules of Marketing and PR. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, John & Sons,    